
Direct Primary Care & Family Medicine located in Williamston, NC
Allergies can limit your activities and in some cases may even be life-threatening. At AccessMedicine in Williamston, North Carolina, you get ongoing allergy care as part of your direct primary care subscription. Dr. Steven Manning, an expert physician, provides allergy testing, novel therapies to manage symptoms, and asthma relief. If you live in the Williamston area, contact AccessMedicine for allergies evaluation and treatment by using the online form or contacting the knowledgeable staff.
Allergies Q & A
What are allergies?
Allergies are a sign that your body’s immune system is overactive. A healthy immune system only attacks substances that could harm your body. When you have allergies, your immune system also attacks things that aren’t harmful.
Some allergy triggers include:
- Dust mites
- Animal dander
- Pollen
- Mold
- Dairy products
- Gluten
- Other foods
- Insect bites
During the attack, your immune system produces antibodies that cause uncomfortable symptoms, such as itching and wheezing. In some instances, the reaction is so severe that it causes a life-threatening condition called anaphylaxis. If you’re at risk for anaphylaxis, Dr. Manning recommends carrying an epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen).
What are some allergy symptoms?
Many allergy symptoms are similar to those of a common cold, such as sneezing. Other allergy symptoms include:
- Itching
- Hives
- Dry skin
- Red skin
- Scaly skin
- Wheezing
- Difficulty breathing
If you think you or your child has allergies, call Dr. Manning for a consultation and allergy testing. Wheezing and difficulty breathing also may be signs of asthma.
How did I get allergies?
Allergies tend to run in families. You’re also more likely to develop an allergy to a substance that you encounter frequently. For instance, if you drink a lot of milk, you may end up developing a dairy allergy.
Infections, hormonal fluctuations, and stress can lower your resistance and make you more susceptible to allergies. Environmental toxins and smoking cigarettes also increase the chance of developing allergies.
You’re more likely to develop allergies the older you get. Once you become allergic to one substance, you’re likely to develop more allergies.
How do doctors treat allergies?
Dr. Manning tests for common allergens at AccessMedicine. When you have respiratory symptoms or if he suspects asthma, he may also administer a lung function test to determine how much air your lungs can hold.
Depending on his findings, therapies could include:
Dr. Manning may prescribe antihistamines to relieve itching, decongestants to open up a stuffy nose and throat, or corticosteroids to alleviate inflammation.
Nebulizer treatments
Babies, small children, geriatrics, or any asthma patient who has trouble using an inhaler can use an in-office or at-home nebulizer. A nebulizer transforms medication into a breathable mist that’s inhaled through a mask.
This device helps keep your lungs healthy by training you to take deep breaths.
Don’t suffer from allergies or asthma attacks. Get relief by contacting AccessMedicine by phone or online form.