Direct Primary Care & Family Medicine located in Williamston, NC
The NIH estimates that 40% to 60% of women and 12% of men suffer a urinary tract infection (UTI) at least once in their lives. A UTI creates uncomfortable symptoms — including painful urination and a persistent urge to urinate — that Dr. Steven Manning and his team at AccessMedicine resolve with antibiotics and other therapies. If you live in Williamston, North Carolina, come to AccessMedicine for UTI treatment as part of your direct primary care membership. Call the supportive AccessMedicine Staff, or book your own consultation online.
What is a UTI?
A UTI is a bacterial infection that usually affects the bladder but may involve any part of your urinary tract system. You can get a UTI in your urethra (passage through which you excrete urine), ureters (tubes from your kidneys to your urethra), and your kidneys (organs that produce urine).
What causes UTIs?
Women are more susceptible to UTIs than men are, in part because their urethras are shorter. Women often get more than one UTI over the course of a lifetime. Genes may be involved, too.
Other risk factors for a UTI include:
- Menopause
- Frequent sexual activity
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Using spermicides
- Gastrointestinal infections
- Recent urinary tract surgery
- Recent catheter placement
- Medical conditions that affect immune system
Are UTIs dangerous?
Any infection is potentially dangerous, including a UTI. If not treated, the infectious bacteria from a UTI can spread through your kidneys into your bloodstream, creating a potentially life-threatening situation. Although many UTIs respond to antibiotic treatment, some UTIs are caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
How can I tell if I have a UTI?
A UTI doesn’t always create symptoms. Dr. Manning performs a urinalysis when you come for your annual physical to ensure that your urinary tract is bacteria-free. Call Dr. Manning if you have the following symptoms:
- Constant urge to urinate
- Urinating small amounts, frequently
- Burning feeling when urinating
- Red, cloudy, or dark urine
- Strong-smelling urine
- Pain in pelvic area or back
- Urethral discharge
- Fever, chills, or vomiting
If you present with UTI symptoms, Dr. Manning conducts an in-office urinalysis so that your infection is diagnosed and resolved as soon as possible.
How do doctors treat UTIs?
Dr. Manning treats most UTIs with a short course of antibiotics. If you have a complicated infection with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, he may recommend a longer course of antibiotics and additional therapies, as needed.
How can I prevent UTIs?
You can minimize your risk for UTIs by adopting lifestyle changes. Dr. Manning recommends:
- Drinking more water
- Drinking cranberry juice or another acidic liquid
- Always fully emptying bladder when urinating
- Urinating after having sex
- Never using spermicides
- Changing menstrual pads frequently
- Wiping front to back after using the toilet
Women who are in menopause may decrease their chances of developing UTIs if they use vaginal estrogen therapies. If you have UTI symptoms, contact AccessMedicine by calling the friendly staff or booking an appointment online.